
Showing posts from June, 2022

Conversations with the sun

Sat here at 1:35pm having some conversations with the sun,  yeah, basically talking to the sun. most of the people prefer talking to the moons, maybe it's because the sun is hot and they can't dare face it or maybe they have some ices they don't wanna melt. well today me, I talked to the sun. she approached me first. She said let's melt your ices. I was kinda scared but she told me not to! It didn't hurt, almost didn't feel anything except that my skin had a little watery reaction. She said she has been eyeing me for a while now and she thinks we have some things in common; the way I always light up the place I am at just like she does all day, the way my smile is soo bright just like her rays, she said my eyes are small they remind her of the Mars and Jupiter or Mercury and Earth on a good day. she said some people fear me but are always longing to see me just like her, I don't believe this but maybe she knows. ohh and she said that she's come to realis