
Showing posts from November, 2023

Something About You

 There's something about you, Something about how your eyes light up when you see your people or how your arms probably get warm when you stretch them out for a hug. Something about that smile when you open your cold beer , how you roll your eyes when you take your first sip or that first puff on your cigarette. Something about your voice, the calmness when you ask something you're curious about, the depth of it when you just woke up or your gentle soft laughter Something about your hands, the way they're most of the time cold, the things they can do and the urge to never stop holding them. Something about how you talk of your people, when you say they're the best thing to happen to you that could make anyone proud or wish to be one of them! Something about your face, it must be those beautiful lips, those big scary eyes or the way I just wanna stare at it. There's something about you, I don't know what it is yet. But I know for sure there's something about