

There's something about you, I gave it time, I let myself think about you I let you hold my hand, I stayed up late talking to you I allowed myself to like you and you let me love you. I took time and figured it out.  That thing is....., That thing is the warmth when you hold my hand on a cold street night and better when you pull me closer into your arms when I sleep. That thing is how you bring me a juice when I am asking for tequila shots because I am sick and I can't drink alcohol with meds. It is when you say you like my smile It is how you love my friends That thing is how all your attention is on me when you're taking my pictures or any other time I am around you really. That thing is how "we will figure out together, don't stress it" to you, always. It is your smile, your arms, your laughter, your voice, your eyes, it is your silly dances, it's a lot of things! It is how you love me It is how you let me love you. That thing about you is how I don

Something About You

 There's something about you, Something about how your eyes light up when you see your people or how your arms probably get warm when you stretch them out for a hug. Something about that smile when you open your cold beer , how you roll your eyes when you take your first sip or that first puff on your cigarette. Something about your voice, the calmness when you ask something you're curious about, the depth of it when you just woke up or your gentle soft laughter Something about your hands, the way they're most of the time cold, the things they can do and the urge to never stop holding them. Something about how you talk of your people, when you say they're the best thing to happen to you that could make anyone proud or wish to be one of them! Something about your face, it must be those beautiful lips, those big scary eyes or the way I just wanna stare at it. There's something about you, I don't know what it is yet. But I know for sure there's something about

Dear blowing wind...

 "muyaga uhuha ujya iwabo, waretse nkagutuma? ukamubwira ko mukunda ko, nashize nkabura aho mbihera." ~Knowless Butera, 2016. I plead with the wind that comes in your direction every dawn, ask her if she can maybe, just maybe blow a bit louder so you can hear what my heart says but my mouth can't utter. I whisper to her everytime she takes off for her journey in the south: "please tell him, I had a dream. again", "tell him I am glad the sun will be out in a little, cause I am sure that's him." I mean... which other sun could there ever be?? "please say to him softly that even if it wasn't him that rises every morning to light my days, that set every evening to give those beautiful views, even if it was not his eyes that I see every star night and it wasn't him that lends the moon his light; the sun and the stars would still have to compete with him for my attention" and boy would they ever win? I know the wind be laughing at me bu


Heard a person in my circle saying that they have luck numbers and when they're dates then those are their lucky days. I don't know about my lucky number let alone lucky days but one thing for sure is seven is my unlucky number. The 7th is when my favorite aunt died, it's when most people who ruined my life and who broke me were born. I am most of the time 7marks short to my target marks and also can you believe I've been 7kgs over my dream weight for gods know how long? My circle ends at 6th so from 7th I am late in a way, I have to wake up at 7 am every morning and the song I like the least is 7 min long ( who makes a song that long anymore if not mid anyways? leave Israel Mbonyi out of this!) I have seven damaged Jean pants that I can't wear any more. I was 7 mins late for my interview so I didn't get in, I've 7 rejected applications (so far), hell according to my supervisor my portfolio needs atleast 7 visual works to be considered relevant (who does th

Conversations with the sun

Sat here at 1:35pm having some conversations with the sun,  yeah, basically talking to the sun. most of the people prefer talking to the moons, maybe it's because the sun is hot and they can't dare face it or maybe they have some ices they don't wanna melt. well today me, I talked to the sun. she approached me first. She said let's melt your ices. I was kinda scared but she told me not to! It didn't hurt, almost didn't feel anything except that my skin had a little watery reaction. She said she has been eyeing me for a while now and she thinks we have some things in common; the way I always light up the place I am at just like she does all day, the way my smile is soo bright just like her rays, she said my eyes are small they remind her of the Mars and Jupiter or Mercury and Earth on a good day. she said some people fear me but are always longing to see me just like her, I don't believe this but maybe she knows. ohh and she said that she's come to realis

I curse the day I known you

I curse the day I known you, I curse the night I smiled at that text, You know which one, right? The "I think I earned a new friend tonight"? No, I actually curse that thread that made us find each other, I wanna curse my friend who started it soo bad, but wouldn't she be innocent given the fact that it was indeed a great thing to do? But either ways I curse the very first thing that brought us together, I curse my desperate soul starving for closure at 2am on the internet, I curse that morning after few weeks of blushing at each other's texts and whatnots, the morning I finally got to hold you, I curse my soo welcoming arms that held you so tight like I've been there before, like it was my favourite thing to do in the life before that, I curse your eyes, (ohhh I think about them again) those in which forever was written in at the very first sight, chico did I say "the eyes don't lie"? Well I guess I will have to reevaluate that one! I curse that voi